Miyerkules, Abril 16, 2014

High school Survival Guide- Gender equality, Homophobia, Internet addiction.

High school Survival Guide- Gender equality, Homophobia, Internet addiction. 

Iam without a doubt a horrible human being. Iam the cancer of society. Being the stone hearted person that im I will still not apologize for not updating and blogging because you and I both know that people don’t give a fuck. Well to be honest I missed blogging and currently its on my summer resolution to do so. And of course you must know that I'm not going to deny the lack of passion and completely, utterly suffocating writers block Ive just acquired over the span of my busy school year.

I mean really, what do fucking expect? Between the shitload of projects my teachers practically shoved down our throats and the constant desire to ace every damn test we took, I had absolutely no time to rant about my irrevocably petrifying life, however therapeutic it may sound.

Speaking of horrible human beings, This blog will be about the frustrating and horrendous case of gender equality, homophobia and Internet addiction, it may sound like three topics that have no relation what so ever but I promise you this is a situation worth reading.

 So therefore let us commence….

Once upon a time, in the land of Internet, I was busy chatting with a friend online, which we will mention by the name of Autumn, and we drifted off to the topic of school drama. Yes, we are geeks, but we still like to talk about what was bothering us about our school. Anyway, she mentioned the scandalous picture that was attracting a bunch of homophobic people in our school. 

Apparently two SEVENTH GRADERS, I shit you not, TWO SEVENTH GRADERS, both girls, clearly lesbians, posted a picture of them kissing… online. And you know what happens when you post a picture of two underage girls kissing online? A SHIT STORM. That’s what happens. People’s opinions rise and People will say shitty things and do mean stuff.

After the supposed picture was posted, it attracted A LOT of attention, they practically created a freaking hash tag for it. The attention though, was not the nice sort of attention, it attracted- well- a lot of haters, homophobic ones.
The supposed picture went “viral”, and when I say viral, I do not mean internationally, but in terms of the population of our school. Practically everyone In our school  knows it, even the teachers. And let me tell you this, I study in a catholic school, and teachers literally will force you to think that being homosexual, bisexual, pansexual whatever the hell sexual except heterosexual is “bad” and will send you to hell.

That being said, the picture started a riot of hate comments, posts, statuses about them “disgracing the authenticity and morals” of our school. I have seen comments saying “ewww lesbians” “that’s disgusting” “they will burn in hell” and many more.

And you know what, it makes me sick, and it makes me worry about the future of the next generation. This is why me and autumn wanted to be in a different generation, preferably the 80’s because that generation rocked.


Despite the fact that I should be minding my own business, I still think that what both sides were doing was wrong, in a way. We have two sides here, the homophobic bitches, and the homosexual couple.
Lets start with the what the couples have done. Yes, I do think that being open with what you love and who you love is normal and honestly we have no right to judge, but I have to admit that posting that picture was their fault. I mean seriously, I am a 100% supporter of loving who you want to love, but posting it online while you are really very young is not the right way to express it.

Part of it was the couples fault, but the root of their fault, was in fact, the relationship between society and Internet addiction. THIS IS WHAT THE INTERNET HAS DONE TO US.

You can express your love in so many ways other than doing that. But to be honest, even if they did post that picture, and even if they were under aged, I still don’t blame them for the hideous and hurtful words that were thrown against them.

I have three major things I want to say to the people basing the couple:

1.) Being homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc. does not define who you are. Who you love does not define who you are. Its what you do that makes you who you are. I know three people, equally as brilliant, equally as talented, and they are transgender, but here is the thing, the fact that they are transgender doesn’t make them a normal person any less.

Girls  can be into girls if they want to, and they should still be treated like a human being. Boys can be into boys if they want to and they should still not be shamed and deemed to go to hell. Boys and girls can be open to both genders and they can still do amazing things. Being transgender should not make you love people any less.

2. Homophobia is sick and disgraceful. You want to talk about morals? Lets talk about morals. Isn't the basic rule of god tells us to love our neighbor without any condition. UNCONDITIONAL RESPECT. That’s all we need in this world. We need to respect one another unconditionally. Transgender, straight,  they can be into sloths for all I care, but we still need to respect them. THEY ARE STILL HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS.

Bashing other people and saying that what they love makes them different will not earn you respect. STOP BEING SO SHALLOW. BE OPEN MINDED. THERE ARE MORE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD THAN BOYS KISSING BOYS AND GIRLS KISSING GIRLS. Beings transgender does not automatically make you a bad person, shaming people, disrespecting them because of their identity does. This is a thing they cant help, its just who they are. Oh and point of information, I am not gay, for fucks sake, iam not gay because I support gay rights. I also support animal rights, do I look like a fucking alpaca to you? NO. I have been raised by my parents as a catholic, as a person who believes that people should be treated equally just as god has loved us equally. Supporting transgender rights isn’t heroism, its basic human decency.

3. I have seen more love in a transgender couple than any of the straight lovers. Fuck you if you shame people for loving someone they truly love, despite being of the same gender.  People don’t fall in love with a gender, they fall in love with a person. A heart does not beat for a possibility, a heart beats for a person. Love is a strange thing. It cannot be dictated. If you love someone, there is no but’s or what if’s, love is love, no matter who it is directed to.
 Let me just tell you that my brother (adoptive-ish kind of its hard to explain) and his boyfriend love each other. Through thick and thin they have stand by each other. Ive never seen love like I see with my brother and his boyfriend. They have trust and loyalty and even when they fight I still see how much they love each other.Ive observed some relationship and I still haven’t seen a love as real as theirs. I admire their relationship so much. I have had a hard time believing someone could actually fall in love and spend their whole life with someone else and their relationship showed me that it could be real. It could really happen. I don’t give a shit about all the stupid reasons why homosexuality is right or wrong because ive seen love in real life and it doesn’t need anything to support its existence. Its just real because love is love.

The end... 

-*- *-*-*-

Here are some quotes, pictures, illustrations etc that will probably prove my point:

“I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I’ve just done what I damn well wanted to, and I’ve made enough money to support myself, and ain’t afraid of being alone.”
― Katharine Hepburn

“I hate the word homophobia. Its not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an asshole.” ―Morgan freeman

“Same sex marriage isn’t gay privilege, it’s equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. Like churches don’t.”

“You had to be willing to fight in order for a love story to last a life time.” 
 Cristina Marrero, The Unsung Love Story

“The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you've just told them.” 
 Rachel Maddow

“I am a rare species, not a stereotype.” 
 Ivan E. Coyote

“I want love to conquer all. But love can't conquer anything. It can't do anything on it's own.
It relies on us to do the conquering on its behalf.” 
 David Levithan
, Every Day

“Gay kids aren’t a “plot point” that you can play with. Gay kids are real, actual kids, teenagers, growing up into awesome adults, and they don’t have the books they need to reflect that. Growing up, my nose was constantly stuck in a book. Growing up as a lesbian, I was told over and over and over by the lack of gayness in said books that I did not exist. That I wasn’t important enough to tell stories about. That I was invisible. Why are we telling our kids this? Why are we telling them that they’re a minority, and they don’t deserve the same rights as straights, that they’re going to grow up in a world that despises them, that the intolerance of humanity will never change, that they’re worthless. It’s not true.” 
 Sarah Diemer

I don’t understand the hatred and fear of gays and bisexuals and lesbians…
it’s a concept I honestly cannot grasp. To me, it’s not who you love…
a man, a woman, what have you…
it’s the fact that you love. That is all that truly matters.” 
 Al Pacino

“So, let me get this straight-- You want me to stop being a lesbian and being attracted to women because it is a 'sin'? Last time I checked, when you lie you are sinning. Sure, I could tell you I am no longer a lesbian or that I am no longer attracted to women and am straight, or I could even tell you the moon is made of cheese. I could tell you many things, but the moon will still not be made of cheese, and I will still not be attracted to men. I could tell you a lie in order to placate you, but isn’t the truth supposed to set me free? I choose truth over lies any day of the week. ” 
 Cristina Marrero

So adios, and till i blog again.... 


Sabado, Setyembre 21, 2013

High school survival guide- My fosters home for imaginary friend’s theory.

High school survival guide- My fosters home for imaginary friend’s theory.

Hey little jedi’s! its been a while don’t you think? No excuses to explain my lack of updating other than ive not been feeling quite productive lately.

 I mean all I want to do all day is sit here and stare at my computer screen while a boy and a girl find true love in 2nd grade or you know read and drink coffee.  Nothing personal though.

This will be a random blog, not a survival guide so if my topic is your fetish fell free to read on.

So lately my friend (December) and I have been conversing about random topics and it just got to a point where we talked about the truth behind Disney and cartoon characters, we did some research and found very introvert theories, all of which is childhood ruining.

I found a topic, which talks about the theories behind the truth of Fosters home for imaginary friends. If you know this show, then let me tell you, that this, will be childhood ruining, if you don’t, then you had an awful childhood (no offense).

The first theory I found tells that Mac is an orphan, and the second tells that Frankie is autistic.
In this blog I will share to you of my own theory, of which I just made up, if you were wondering. No scientific, or logical explanation but just a random plot twist, hence fort here you go.

In a mansion in the city, there lived a family. They were rich, but the one thing they lack is the bond. Madam foster is the owner of the mansion, her daughter had a husband but they decided to stay in the mansion because she couldn’t leave her mother.

 Or atleast that was what she said to madam fosters face.

But she and her husband knew that all they want is to inherit the mansion, and madam foster’s property. Her daughter was cunning, she had a brilliant plan, and that was to murder madam foster when the time comes.

The plan was postponed because Madam foster’s daughter gave birth to Frankie. 

And  When Frankie grew up, she had a strong bond with madam foster.

Frankie dressed, talked and looked like madam foster, and that just contributed as to why they got along so well.

Frankie is now a teenager, she got pregnant,  but when Madam foster and Frankie was going somewhere, Frankie had a miscarriage, and that lead to a misunderstanding between the two.

Frankie lost her mind but her and madam foster’s bond didn’t fade, only it got even stronger.

Madam foster’s daughter knew her own child would be a danger to the plan, so one day while Frankie was playing with her blue stuff toy, her mother shot her, but little did she know madam foster saw her.

 Madam foster lost her mind, she devised a plan, and burned the mansion with her, her daughter and her husband.

Madam foster survived and was sent to a mental asylum, she imagines a life with Frankie in a mansion, Frankie soon met a friend, and that was Mac.  Mac had a brother, and that was bloo.

In my theory, madam foster imagines the place with her granddaughter Frankie and her friend Mac (who was actually the ghost of her unborn child). Bloo is the blue stuff toy madam foster gave Frankie.
Cheese represents the last meal they shared together before Frankie got shot, Eduardo represents frankie’s father, Coco represents Madam fosters younger aura, Mr herriman represents madam foster's husband 

Madam foster die’s within weeks after the accident, but she wrote all of the adventures that she and granddaughter encountered while at the mansion, it soon was discovered by a teenager, and when he grew up he developed it into a cartoon show.

The end

Iam aware that my theory sucked. But atleast I blogged!

Okay so till I blog again! 


Martes, Setyembre 3, 2013

High school survival guide- My Homework In Homeroom

High school survival guide- My Homework In Homeroom

Truth Be told, in my school we don’t really have homeroom, we have this subject where we talk about God and Jesus, its like a mass but its just an hour and we have a teacher for a priest.

This weekend we were asked to pass a report about 5 significant people in our life that inspires us, some of my classmates put One Direction, Their Family, Their Friends, Heck some even placed Jesus (Which Btw is not a significant Person) just for the sake of sucking up to our teacher BUT for me, I choose to be real.

I placed 4 authors and 1 youtuber…Care to unfold the mystery?

Here it is!!!!!!!!  

1.Hank Green

Hank green everybody! He’s ½ of the dynamic duo called the vlog brothers, a musical genius, and he has been an inspiration to not only me, but of millions of people. He might not have unfathomable quotes like his brother, john green, but he has the mind of an introvert genius.

He taught me that being vapid is a waste of talent and gifts. He told me its great to read books because this will show you the balance of life and death and everything caught in between, nevertheless endless topic can occur, like the stars, books are the authors thoughts fathomed into constellations. He taught me to care about things, get excited, and to enjoy the ever present game of knowing. He inspired me to let myself survive after all those torturing years of acquitted pain cause everything will get better.  Long story short, he told me to feel good about myself.

2. Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan is the known author of best selling series Percy Jackson and the Olympians and many more. He has been an inspiration to all of us actually because in his writing we find good will. In his writing I found my childhood, in his writing I found, as provocative as it sounds, Life.

In his best selling series, percy Jackson and the Olympians, Percy (the main character) finds himself as a dyslexic person, and for rick riordan that was his way of honoring the potential of kids that has this condition, its his way of telling them, and us that its not bad to be different, that sometimes it’s the mark of being very very talented, that’s what percy discovers in himself in the lightning thief (the first book).  Rick Riordan also told me, in retrospect, that if my life is going to matter, I should live it myself. Aside being an inspiration, he also taught me a valuable lesson that can be applied in all aspects of life, he taught me that even if a person is not present  physically, or you don’t see them, doesn’t mean theyre not there.  Lastly he taught me that there is A HERO in all of US.

3.Suzzane Collins

Suzzane Collins is the known author for her best selling series “The Hunger Games”. Yes, iam well aware that this is a book about war, but it is also a book about freedom, courage and bravery. Suzzane Collins acknowledges that she does not want to write about adolescence but she want to write about war, freedom and bravery for adolescents.

Suzzane Collins taught me that in darkness there is always that tiny spark of hope that can bring light and no matter how hard it will be, we have to try our hardest to keep it burning. She taught me that you can do anything when the person at risk is important to you, and that bravery is the best weapon in any war. She taught me to keep an image of a yellow dandelion in the spring, that signifies the promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses, that It can all be good again. Lastly she taught me about sacrifice and love, in love we find sacrifice and in sacrifice we find love.

4. Jay asher

I knew about jay asher through his best selling book, Thriteen reasons why, which is about a teenage girl who commited suicide and to explain why, she sends out seven tapes. The book is not morbid in anyway but instead we can find amazingly brilliant morals and stories.

Through his books jay asher taught me that Everything affects everything. He told me that you cant stop the future, you cant rewind the past, and the only way to see the secret is to press play. He told me that no one really knows how much impact they have on the lives of other people. That when we help we should do our best because you never know if caring is not enough. he told me to take precautions because one day itll all be too late. He told me that you don’t really know what goes on in anyones life but your own, and when you mess with one part of a persons life, youre not messing with just that part. Unfortunately  you cant be that precise and selective. When you mess with one part of a persons life, youre messing with their entire life. Ergo, be careful with your words and actions , because you never know what they might  do to others.

5. John Green

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t atlest try to do something remarkable”. A quote by john green, also known as author extraordinaire, the only adult youtuber know to man besides his brother hank green. John has made many outstanding books with no fatal flaws. His use of words are beyond my level, in which his vocabulary can reach the stars.

That’s why john green inspires me so much, he taught me so much through his books without even actually knowing who iam. He taught me that those awful things in life are survivable because we are indestructible as we believe ourselves to be. He told me that the only way through the labyrinth of pain is to forgive. He told me that the way you think about a person isn’t always what you ought it be. He told me to stop thinking about the fall because its all about the landing and most importantly he taught me to that its inevitable to be hurt, but we do have a say on who will hurt us. Someday I hope to be like john green, a known author, a teacher of all ages, universally and internationally.

You can say that iam a nerd because saying that becomes a mere complement. Because that being said youre saying that id rather be intelligent than stupid, Id rather be thoughtful that vapid, and that I have thoughts that matter more to the living cyclone of life itself.

VOILA! Early update!! Enjoy 15 random food anagrams in your delight!

1.     A gentleman = Elegant man
.     Debit card = Bad credit
.     Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
.     Hot water = Worth tea
       Vacation time = I am not active
.     Conversation = Voices rant on
       The eyes = They see       Schoolmaster = The classroom
       The country side = No city dust here
1 The Detectives = Detect thieves
1    Mummy = My mum
1.  Dormitory = Dirty room
1.  A decimal point = I’m a dot in place
1.  Clint Eastwood = Old west action
1.  Astronomers = No more stars



Sabado, Agosto 31, 2013

High school survival guide # 10- Navigating your way out of awkwardness

High school survival guide # 10- Navigating your way out of awkwardness

Before you actually read all of these stuff I wrote, note that this will actually not help you within the mildest range because I will write my experiences and just rant about it.

Its actually a kind of personal blog of mine that will tell you of the many awkward experiences I have encountered but I will only provide my top 5, and mind you this was not as easy as it looked. Also I will be counting down so the most hilariously awkward will be at the end.


Ergo, let the list begin!!

Number 5- Family events
Okay, admit it or not we all have encountered awkward family events, where all of the family, and I mean all of them raging from aunts to cousins, come over. And whether you like it or not itll be awkward unless your family is Brad Pitt’s.

Hence my story goes like this:

My fifth birthday was “celebrated” with the rest of my family, knowing my family there really judge mental, and when I was a kid I was really really fat, (p.s I still am, if youre wondering) ergo they’d judge me, NON STOP.

But on my actual BIRTHDAY, my cousins took it too far. I got into a fight with them and that caused A LOT of tension and drama.

 My aunt who came home from California, forced me to apologize to my cousins, and when I didn’t budge, she grabbed my hand and dragged me. DRAGGED ME. so it was kind of awkward to get dragged on your birthday.

Number 4- Mordecais + Ex crushes+ Awkward lunch= AWKWARD LEVEL 900000000000000000

Let me give you an over view on this, (a) Mordecai is a name to describe a person, who we really dislike, (b) The ex crush who will be starring in this awkward moment is my recent ex crush from 6th grade, Who with no shame, asked to my face if I liked him, and me being a sixth grader I didn’t know what to say. (c) The day that this event happened was my friend’s birthday and we celebrated it with LUNCH!

Hence, it goes like this:

Like a for mentioned, it was my friends birthday and she invited me, Jelly, A mordecai and some others. Me, mordecai and Jelly had a very coincidental and bad history, so when it came to lunch it sort of went like this:

Mordecai: Oh jelly, it looked like you got paler (which here in our country is a good thing)
Jelly: Oh. Probably not. Maybe it’s the lighting.
Mordecai: Nonesene! Oh kylie you got tanner (Which here in our country is a BAD thing)
Me: oh thanks (note the sarcasm)
Mordecai: I was joking, actually you got paler.

That actually was annoying and awkward because I still feel like I have to be invisible around mordecai.
And when we were about to leave the restaurant, My ex crush showed up! Lets name him FireFox. Hence I was quite a mixture of emotions you see, of hatred, anger, surprise and a little bit of adoration.
Here’s a glimpse of what happened

FireFox: oh hey kylie, you done with the table *genuinely smile*
Me:Oh yeah sure *smiles  awkwardly*
Firefox: Oh thanks.


Number 3- 7th graders

So last Friday, I was at a student council meeting and it was my first time meeting the people on the student council, because im still new.

Long story short, I was stuck beside the 7th grade representative, he’s what you’d call that kid who never talks, He’s a little nerdy, lets name him AppleBottoms.

As I was getting my papers from the principal, I decided to actually talk to him, cause he seemed nice. But then, it got all freaky.

I said “Its actually scary to get this much responsibility right?” And you know what he did?! He stared at me like ive committed a crime! For christ’s sake! DON’T STARE AT SOME ONE LIKE SHE’S A MURDERER, WHEN SHE’S JUST BEING FRIENDLY.

Of course, I had to get away from him because of this and seriously it still bothered me somehow.

Number 2- Kafir accusations

Btw kafir means Infidel in Arabic (which I learned in an abundance of katherines by John green) and I have this friend who I always call either Kafir Or undecided, cause it just suited him.

His name popped up into a conversation me and my teacher were having and it went something like this
Me: What about my friend, Rrrrrico (aka undecided or kafir) is he doing well in math.  

teacher: yeah he’s doing good. why’d you ask? You like him?
me: omg sir, no of course not. He’s kind of still trying to figure himself out.
teacher: I don’t believe you
me: ask him for yourself.

Then later on, I saw kafir, talking to my teacher, and I waved at him and my teacher pointed at me, and I raised two thumbs up and shouted “HE’S UNDECIDED SIR! HE DOESN’T KNOW YET” and strutted down to choir practice.

Only to discover later that when i said that, my teacher asked kafir if he was my ex boyfriend, and I have not been ever more terrified in my entire life, this was truly one of the most awkward schemes of my life that backfired, HARD.


Oh and point of information, this scene happened on the same day, when number 4 happened. it was just a day of bawling awkwardness to be honest.

Number 1- Fitting room mayhem


Before you read it, you should know that one habit of my friends are deserting me and running. And just ditching me for no reason at all. Just to mess with me.

So this scene happened in 6th grade, everyday me and my friends would go to this shop after class, right across from our school to look at accessories and clothes like the typical teen (I know strange right? Where did that vanish into?? )

Anyway one day when I was  looking at some stuff across the fitting room, which were 2 large cubicles, when out of nowhere, they just disappeared.

I thought they’d hide in the fitting room, the ladies of course, so I decided to pull the fitting room curtain and then BOOM-

They weren’t there, but NOOOOOO instead some one else was there, a stranger, naked, fitting clothes on. I Figured out that they were hiding behind some rack of clothes which Infuriated me.

The woman screamed of course and security and the manager came to escort me/us out and they said and I quote “This is not a playground kid.”

I was beyond embarrassed and super ashamed and it all felt kind of awkward. So hopefully you can navigate your way through awkwardness now that youve completed the first step: Listen to other stories! 

Aaaaaaaaaanddddddddd CUT!

Sorry if it was a crapy survival guide, but atleast you’d feel good about yourself now! They say the pain of others can inflict joy to other people

Here are some random pictures from my fandoms! 

P.S. If you have any family events, mordecai moments, 7th grader drama, Kafir accusations and or fitting room mayhem, feel free to comment down below!



Sabado, Agosto 24, 2013

High school survival guide- The Fault in our stars

High school survival guide- The Fault in our stars

BOOK REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes iam well aware that maybe some of you may have already read it, and some of you might have not. So, to be safe, I will limit the spoilers that are bound to happen within the next sentences.

Let me first tell you of the adventures I have sailed to acquire this book.

As we all know, This book is pretty well known, but it occurred to me that I found out about this accursed book because of my best friend. She mentioned it once then I got on a full research, then I fell in love with the concept and decided to go look for it.

We searched through our local book store in the span of maybe months but have found none, and later discovered that its sold out. I regret not buying it in the earlier days that I saw it. In my defense I was 12 when I saw it so no judging.

Months later my brother and I discovered the new avatar my aunt told me she was coming home and asked if I wanted her to get anything for me, so i asked for her to buy me four books, that is The fault in our stars, Will grayson, Will grayson, Looking for Alaska, all by john green and EveryDay by David L.

On to the actual book, So the book left me torn, LITERALLY. I couldn’t simply put it down, it was glued to me. It left me and my soul ripped and destroyed, after all, that’s what great books do.

The plot, the phasing, everything left me in awe. JOHN GREEN you’ve done it again. I mean seriously the book is Damn near perfection.

(In the bottom right picture is Isaac's eulogy for agustus, just a spoiler no big deal)

The charcters dept is genius and it simply must not be forgotten. This is a book that I will remember forever.

 The plot: 

Hazel, a seventeen year old teenager, who has terminal thyroid cancer, attends a cancer support group and meets The AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT, AGUSTUS WATERS. They go into an adventure to look for a misguided author that left them hanging, and later a plot twist happens and im not allowed to tell it.
Nevertheless, I recommend everyone to read it, young adults, adults, heck even seniors must read this. ITS SIMPLY GOLD.  

Ill leave you with a quote that struck me:


Alright-y then, TILL I BLOG AGAIN

Picture quote thingy time
